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Mizani Foam Wrap

If you have curly hair, you know just how important it is that you use the right products for your hair. The wrong products can leave your hair feeling less than its best. But the right products on the other hand, can leave your hair feeling and looking great! The Mizani product lineup is made specifically for clients with curly hair. The Mizani Foam Wrap styling product is a fan favorite.

The Mizani Foam Wrap is a styling mousse that helps form curl patterns and combat frizziness. This lightweight product is fast drying and helps to condition the hair, while also protecting from damage during heat styling. The Mizani Foam Wrap is perfect for all clients with curly or wavy hair. One of our apprentice stylists, Elyssa, says to use this product after you wash your hair, making sure that your hair is still very damp. Apply throughout, and then scrunch or diffuse with your blow dryer to style.

Elyssa also recommends pairing this product with other products in the Mizani lineup to enhance results. Stop in today to pick up the Mizani Foam Wrap, and other Mizani products!